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Peco Electrics Wholesale – Digital Monitor Adverts

8 December 2022

NG15’s digital team have created a series of eye-catching, promotional (in-branch) Digital Monitor Adverts, to help Peco Electric Wholesale’s promote their seasonal ‘heating and lighting products’ to their customers.

SAA Catalogue Covers

SAA – A well crafted relationship

15 June 2022

SAA are one of NG15’s longest standing clients, spanning over twelve years. They’ve harnessed the power of e-Pim to drive their printed publications, website and product datasheets…

Syndicated Product Data Is Here

11 April 2022

The future of data syndication for the Construction Industry is here and we would like you to be a part of our rapidly growing digital transformation platform

Online Discussions prove a great success

13 October 2021

Our series of educational webinars designed to support electrical manufacturers and wholesalers with their digitalisation journey have been a great success and are delighted to announce that more dates have been added to our schedule.

Affiliate partners and associations